Famous People Born Today : On February 23

Samuel Pepys was born on 23rd of February in 1633
George Frederic Handel was born on 23rd of February in 1685
George Frederick Handel was born on 23rd of February in 1685
Emma Willard was born on 23rd of February in 1787
W. E. B. Dubois was born on 23rd of February in 1868
W.E.B. DuBois was born on 23rd of February in 1868
William L. Shirer was born on 23rd of February in 1904
Donna J. Stone was born on 23rd of February in 1933
Sylvia Chase was born on 23rd of February in 1938
Peter Fonda was born on 23rd of February in 1939
Peter Fonda was born on 23rd of February in 1940
Patricia Richardson was born on 23rd of February in 1941
Julio Iglesias was born on 23rd of February in 1943
John Sandford was born on 23rd of February in 1944
Johnny Winter was born on 23rd of February in 1944
Edward Too Tall Jones was born on 23rd of February in 1951
Patricia Richardson was born on 23rd of February in 1951
Howard Jones was born on 23rd of February in 1955
Tommy McCarthy was born on 23rd of February in 1980
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