Famous People Born Today : On March 19

William Bradford was born on 19th of March in 1589
David Livingstone was born on 19th of March in 1813
William Pinkham Ryder was born on 19th of March in 1847
Wyatt Earp was born on 19th of March in 1848
William Jennings Bryan was born on 19th of March in 1860
Earl Warren was born on 19th of March in 1891
John Sirica was born on 19th of March in 1904
Albert Speer was born on 19th of March in 1905
Adolf Eichmann was born on 19th of March in 1906
Patrick McGoohan was born on 19th of March in 1928
Philip Roth was born on 19th of March in 1933
Phyllis Newman was born on 19th of March in 1935
Ursula Andress was born on 19th of March in 1936
Glenn Close was born on 19th of March in 1947
Bruce Willis was born on 19th of March in 1955
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