Famous People Born Today : On August 19

Bernard Baruch was born on 19th of August in 1870
Orville Wright was born on 19th of August in 1871
Coco Chanel was born on 19th of August in 1883
Ogden Nash was born on 19th of August in 1902
Malcolm Forbes was born on 19th of August in 1919
Gene Roddenberry was born on 19th of August in 1921
Willie Shoemaker was born on 19th of August in 1931
Jill St. John was born on 19th of August in 1940
Fred Thompson was born on 19th of August in 1942
Bill Clinton was born on 19th of August in 1946
Gerald McRaney was born on 19th of August in 1948
Tipper Gore was born on 19th of August in 1948
John Deacon was born on 19th of August in 1951
Adam Arkin was born on 19th of August in 1956
John Stamos was born on 19th of August in 1963
Kyra Sedgwick was born on 19th of August in 1965
LeAnn Womack was born on 19th of August in 1966
Christian Slater was born on 19th of August in 1969
Matthew Perry was born on 19th of August in 1969
Lil' Romeo was born on 19th of August in 1989
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