Famous People Born Today : On August 27

Georg W. F. Hegel was born on 27th of August in 1770
Theodore Dreiser was born on 27th of August in 1871
Man Ray was born on 27th of August in 1890
Lyndon B. Johnson was born on 27th of August in 1908
Lyndon Baines Johnson was born on 27th of August in 1908
Mother Teresa was born on 27th of August in 1910
Martha Raye was born on 27th of August in 1916
Ira Levin was born on 27th of August in 1929
Daryl Dragon was born on 27th of August in 1942
J. Robert Kerrey was born on 27th of August in 1943
Tuesday Weld was born on 27th of August in 1943
Barbara Bach was born on 27th of August in 1947
Paul Pee-wee Herman Reubens was born on 27th of August in 1952
Pee Wee Herman (Paul Reubens) was born on 27th of August in 1952
Alex Lifeson was born on 27th of August in 1953
Mason Betha was born on 27th of August in 1978
Alexa Vega was born on 27th of August in 1988
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