Latin Phrases: Acheruntis pabulum to Actum agere
(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)
Acheruntis pabulum : Food for Acheron (i.e., food for the gallows)
Acta eruditorum : Contributions to a cause
Acta est fabula : The drama has been acted out (Augustus)
Acta est fabula, plaudite! : The play is over, applaud! (Said to have been emperor Augustus' last words)
Acta non verba : Action not words
Acta sanctorum : Deeds of the saints (Jean Bolland)
Acte est fabula : The play is finished
Actio ex delicto : Cause of action (i.e., reason for lawsuit)
Actio personalis moritur cum personal : Personal action dies with the person
Actum agere : To do what has already been done
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