Latin Phrases: Benedicite to Biennis
(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)
Benedicite : Invocation of blessing (a prayer canticle)
Benedictus qui venit : Blessed is he sho comes [in the Lord's name]
Beneficium : Kindness of favour
Beneficium accipere libertatem est vendere : To accept a favour is to sell freedom. (Publilius Syrus)
Bengalinis : From Bengal
Benigno numine : By the favour of the heavens (Horace)
Bibamus, moriendum est : Let us drink, for we must die (Seneca)
Bibere venenum in auro : Drink poison from a cup of gold
Biblia pauperum : Books of the poor
Biennis : Biennial
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