Latin Phrases: Eheu fugaces labuntur anni to Ejusdem generis

(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)

Eheu fugaces labuntur anni : Alas, the fleeting years slip by. (Horace)
Eheu, fugaces labuntur anni : Alas, the fleeting years go by (Horace)
Eheu, litteras istas reperire non possum : Unfortunately, I can't find those particular documents
Ei incumbit probatio qui : The onus of proving the fact rests upon a man
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit non qui negat : The proof lies upon the one who affirms, not the one who denies
Eiurare patriam : To renounce one's country
Eiusdem generis : Of the same kind
Ejectamenta : Ejected matter, worthless items
Ejusdem farinae : Of the same flour; persons of the same nature
Ejusdem generis : Of the same kind; of the same class

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Next : Ejustden generis, Elapso tempore, Elatus, elata, Elegans, Elephantem ex musca facis, Elixir vitae, Elizabeth Regina/Eduardus Rex (E.R.), Elongatus, Emeritus, Emitte lucem et veritatem
Previous : Edulis, Effectus sequitur causam, Effugere non potes necessitates, potes vincere, Ego, Ego et rex meus, Ego me bene habeo, Ego nolo caesar esse, Ego spem pretio non emo, Egomet mihi ignosco, Eheu fugaces . labuntur anni
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