Latin Phrases: Emollit mores nee sinit esse feros to Ens realissimum

(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)

Emollit mores nee sinit esse feros : It makes gentle the character and does not allow it to be unrefined (Ovid)
Empta dolore experientia docet : Experience teaches when bought with pain
Emptor : Buyer, purchaser
Emulsio : An emulsion
Enim vero di nos quasi pilas homines habent : The gods use mortals as their playthings
Ens a se : A being in itself
Ens Entium : The Supreme Being
Ens legis : A creature of the law
Ens rationis : Rational being
Ens realissimum : The most real being

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Next : Ense et aratro, Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem, Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem, Eo animo, Eo instante, Eo ipso, Eo loco, Eo nomine, Epicuri de grege porcus, Epistula non erubescit
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