Latin Phrases: Erratum (errata) to Est ars etiam male dicendi
(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)
Erratum (errata) : Error (errors)
Erubuit, salva res est : He blushed, the affair is safe (Terence)
Eruditio et religio : Learning and religion (motto of Duke University)
Escariorium lavator : Dishwashing machine
Esse : To be; being; existence
Esse est percipi : Being is perception.
Esse quam videri : To be, rather than to seem (state motto of North Carolina)
Esse quam videri bonus malebat : He preferred to be good rather than to merely seem good (Sallust)
Esse quid : To be; being thus so
Est ars etiam male dicendi : There is an art even to malediction
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