Latin Phrases: Et sequentes (et seq. Or seqq.) to Etc. (et ceterae/etcetera)
(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)
Et sequentes (et seq. Or seqq.) : And those that follow
Et sic de ceteris : And so the rest
Et sic de similibus : And so of similar things (or people)
Et sic fecit : And he or she did so
Et tollens vacuum plus nimio Gloria verticem : Vain glory, who lifts her proud head too high
Et tu brute : And you too Brutus (Caesar's last words, actually were said in Greek)
Et tu, Brute : And you, Brutus
Et uxor (abbreviated et ux.) : And wife
Et uxor (et ux.) : And wife
Etc. (et ceterae/etcetera) : And the rest
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