Latin Phrases: Expressio unius est exclusio alterius to Extra territorium jus dicenti impune non paretur

(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)

Expressio unius est exclusio alterius : The mention of one thing may exclude others
Expressis verbis : In express terms
Extempore : Without premeditation
Exterioris pagina puella : Cover Girl
Extinctus amabitur idem : The same (hated) man will be loved after he's dead. How quickly we forget. (Horace)
Extortor bonorum legumque contortor : One who extorts good citizens and twists the laws (Terence)
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus : Outside the Church (there is) No Salvation. (A phrase of much disputed significance in Roman Catholic theology)
Extra modum : Beyond measure
Extra muros : Beyond the walls
Extra pecuniam non est vita : Without money there is no life

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