Latin Phrases: Fictilis to Fidelis ad urnam

(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)

Fictilis : Made of pottery
Fictio cedit veritati : Fiction yields to the truth
Fide et amore : By faith and love
Fide et fortitudine : By fidelity and fortitude
Fide, non armis : By faith, not arms
Fidei defensor : Defender of the faith
Fidei Defensor (F.D.) : Defender of faith (motto of the sovereigns of England since I lenry VIII)
Fidei est coticula crux : The Cross is the touchstone of faith
Fideli certa merces : To the faithful, reward is certain
Fidelis ad urnam : Faithful to the urn; faithful until death

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Next : Fideliter, Fides ante intellectum, Fides et justitia, Fides et veritas, Fides facit fidem, Fides non timet, Fides probata coronat, Fides Punica, Fides quaerens intellectum, Fides servanda est
Previous : Fiat justitia, Fiat justitia (et ruat caelum), Fiat justitia, ruat caelum, Fiat lux, Fiat mixtura, Fiat potio, Fiat voluntas tua, Fiat volvntas tua, Ficta voluptatis causa sint proxima veris, Fictilia
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