Latin Phrases: Imperator to In actu

(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)

Imperator : Emperor
Imperator/Imperatrix (Imp.) : Emperor/Empress
Imperium : Absolute power
Imperium et libertas : Empire and liberty. (Cicero)
Imperium in imperio : An empire within an empire, i.e. A fifth column, a group of people within an nation's territory who owe allegiance to some other leader
Impossibilium nulla obligatio est : Nobody has any obligation to the impossible. (Corpus Iuris Civilis)
Imprimatur : Let it be printed
Imprimis : In first place
In absentia : In the absence of
In actu : In practice

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Next : In aere aedificare, In aeternum, In alio pediculum, in te ricinum non vides, In articulo mortis, In banco, In camera, In capite, In cavda venenvm, In curia, In delicto
Previous : Ignorantia legis neminem excusat, Ignoratio elenchi, Ignotus (ign.), Ille dolet vere, qui sine teste dolet, Ille mi par esse deo videtur, Illegitimis nil carborundum, Illiud latine dici non potest, Illius me paenitet, dux, Imitatores, servum pecus!, Imp. (Imperator/Imperatrix)
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