Latin Phrases: In flagrante delicto to In loco

(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)

In flagrante delicto : In the very act of committing an offence
In forma pauperis : In the form of a poor person; in a humble or abject manner
In futuro : In the future
In gremio legis : In the protection of the law
In his ordo est ordinem non servare : In this case the only rule is not obeying any rules
In hoc signo vinces : In this sign, you will be victorious. (Eusebios)
In infinitum : To infinity; without end
In libris libertas : In books (there is) freedom
In limine : On the threshold, at the very outset
In loco : In the place of

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Next : In loco parentis, In magnis et voluisse sat est, In media res, In medias res, In medio stat virtus, In medio tutissimus ibis, In memoriam, In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas, In nomine Domini, In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Santi
Previous : In dentibus anticis frustrum magnum spiniciae habes, In distans, In dubiis non est agendum, In dubio, In dubio pro reo, In esse, In excelsis, In extenso, In extremis, In fine
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