Latin Phrases: Locum tenens to Longo intervallo

(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)

Locum tenens : One occupying the place; a deputy
Locus classicus : The most authoritative source, Classical passage
Locus delicti : The scene of the crime
Locus desperatus : A hopeless passage
Locus enim est principum generationis rerum : For place is the origin of things. (Roger Bacon)
Locus in quo : The place in which something happens
Locus poenitentiae : A place for repentance
Locus sigilli (l.s.) : The place of the seal
Locus standi : Place of standing
Longo intervallo : After a long gap

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Next : Loq. (loquitur), Loquitur (loq.), LS (locus sigilli), Luctor et emergo, Luke sum ipse patrem te, Lumen naturale, Lunae, Lupus est homo homini, Lupus in fabula, Lusus naturae
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