Latin Phrases: Novus ordo seclorum to Nullo metro compositum est
(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)
Novus ordo seclorum : A new order for the ages. (appears on the U.S. one-dollar bill)
Nudifolia : Deciduous, naked of leaves
Nulla avarita sine poena est : There is no avarice without penalty. (Seneca)
Nulla dies sine linea : Not a day without a line. Do something every day! (Apeles, Greek painter)
Nulla regula sine exceptione : There is no rule/law without exception
Nulla res carius constat quam quae precibus empta est : Nothing is so expensive as that which you have bought with pleas. (Seneca)
Nulli secunda : Second to none (feminine)
Nulli secundus : Second to none (masculine)
Nullius in verba : (Rely) on the words on no one. (Horace)
Nullo metro compositum est : It doesn't rhyme
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