Latin Phrases: Oblongatus to Odium theologicum
(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)
Oblongatus : Oblong, oval
Obscurum per obscurius : The obscure by means of the more obscure
Obsta principiis : Resist the beginnings (Nip it in the bud)
Occasio aegre offertur, facile amittitur : Opportunity is offered with difficulty, lost with ease. (Publius Syrus)
Occasio facit furem : Opportunity makes a thief
Oculus dexter (od) : Right eye
Oculus sinister (os) : Left eye
Oderint dum metuant : Let them hate provided that they fear. (Seneca)
Odi et amo : I hate (her), and I love (her) (Catullus)
Odium theologicum : Theological hatred. (a special name for the hatred generated in theological disputes)
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