Latin Phrases: Qvi desiderat pacem praeparat bellvm to Qvod vive (q.v)
(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)
Qvi desiderat pacem praeparat bellvm : Who desires peace (should) prepare (for) war
Qvi docent discit : He who teaches, learns. (George Bernard Shaw)
Qvi fvgiebat rvrsvs proeliabitvr : He who has fled will do battle once more. He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day
Qvi me amat, amat et canem meam : Who loves me loves my dog as well. Love me love my dog
Qvi nescit dissimlare nescit regnare : He who doesn't know how to lie doesn't know how to rule
Qvid novi? : What's new? 'What's up?'
Qvis cvstodiet iposos cvstodes : Who will guard those selfsame guardians? Don't assign a fox to guard the henhouse
Qvod cibvs est aliis, aliis est wenenum : What is food to some is poison to others. One man's meat is another poison
Qvod cito acqviritvr cito perit : (that) which is quickly acquired (is) quickly lost. Eeasy come, easy go
Qvod erat demonstrandvm : (that) which has been demonstrated (a statement of logical proof, especially in mathematics and law, abbreviated Q.E.D)
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