Latin Phrases: Robustus to Rus in urbe
(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)
Robustus : Strong, robust
Roma locuta est. Causa finita est : Rome has spoken. The cause is finished
Romani ite domum : Romans go home!
Romani quidem artem amatoriam invenerunt : You know, the Romans invented the art of love
Rosa rubicundior, lilio candidior, omnibus formosior, semper in te glorior : Redder than the rose, whiter than the lilies, fairer than everything, I will always glory in thee
Rosea florus : With rose-like flowers
Rotundifolius : With round leaves
Ruat coelum : Let the heaven fall
Rumores volant. / Rumor volat : Rumors fly. / Rumor flies
Rus in urbe : The country in the town
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