Latin Phrases: Scientia est potentia to Scribere est agere
(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)
Scientia est potentia : Knowledge is power
Scientia non habet inimicum nisp ignorantem : Science has no enemies but the ignorants
Scilicet (sc.) : That is to say
Scio cur summae inter se dissentiant! Numeris Romanis utor! : I know why the numbers don't agree! I use Roman numerals!
Scio me nihil scire : I know that I know nothing. Certain knowledge cannot be obtained. (Socrates)
Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter : Your knowledge is nothing when no one else knows that you know it
Sciri facias : Cause (him) to know
Scisne latine? : Do you know Latin?
Scito te ipsum : Know yourself
Scribere est agere : To write is to act
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