Latin Phrases: Sic itur ad astra to Simpliciter
(Latin Phrases collected: 3391)
Sic itur ad astra : Such is the path to the stars (i.e. Gain reputation) (Vergil)
Sic passim : Thus everywhere
Sic semper tyrannis : Thus always to tyrants (a statement often accompanying a regicide)
Sic transit gloria mundi : So passes the glory of the world
Sic vis pacem para bellum : If you want peace prepare war
Sic volo, sic iubeo : I want this, I order this. (Juvenalis)
Silent enim leges inter arma : Laws are silent in times of war. (Cicero)
Simia quam similis, turpissimus bestia, nobis! : How like us is that very ugly beast the monkey. (Cicero)
Simplex munditiis : Unaffected by manners. (Horace)
Simpliciter : Naturally; without qualification
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