Murphy's Laws Collection : 1583 Laws
Original Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong, it will.
A : Abbott's Admonitions | Abbott's Admonitions | Abrams's Advice | Acheson's Rule of the Bureaucracy | Acton's Law | Ade's Law | Airplane Law | Alan's Law of Research | Albrecht's Law | Algren's Precepts | Allen's Law of Civilization | Agnes Allen's Law | Allen's Axiom | Allen's Distinction | Alley's Axiom ... see all 36 laws.
B : Babcock's Law | Baer's Quartet | Bagdikian's Law of Editor's Speeches | Baker's Byroad | Baker's Law | Baldy's Law | Barber's Laws of Backpacking | Barber's Laws of Backpacking | Barber's Laws of Backpacking | Barber's Laws of Backpacking | Barber's Laws of Backpacking | Barber's Laws of Backpacking | Barber's Laws of Backpacking | Barber's Laws of Backpacking | Barber's Laws of Backpacking ... see all 121 laws.
C : Cahn's Axiom (Allen's Axiom) | Calkin's Law of Menu Language | Camp's Law | Campbell's Law | Canada Bill Jones's Motto | Canada Bill Jones's Supplement | Cannon's Cogent Comment | Cannon's Comment | Carson's Law | Cartoon Laws | Cartoon Laws | Cartoon Laws | Cartoon Laws | Cartoon Laws | Cartoon Laws ... see all 100 laws.
D : Darrow's Observation | Darwin's Observation | Dave's Law of Advice | Dave's Rule of Street Survival | Davidson's Maxim | Davis's Basic Law of Medicine | de la Lastra's Law | de la Lastra's Corollary | Deadlock's Law | Deadlock's Law Corollary | Dean's Law of the District of Columbia | Decaprio's Rule | Deitz's Law of Ego | Dennis's Principles of Management by Crisis | Dennis's Principles of Management by Crisis ... see all 43 laws.
E : Economists' Laws | Economists' Laws | Edington's Theory | Ehrlich's Rule | Ehrman's Commentary | Eliot's Observation | Ellenberg's Theory | Emerson's Insight | Extended Epstein-Heisenberg Principle | Epstein's Law | Ettorre's Observation | Ettorre's Observation Corollary | Evans's Law | Evans's Law of Politics | Evelyn's Rules for Bureaucratic Survival ... see all 25 laws.
F : Fred Allen's Motto | Fourteenth Corollary of Atwood's General Law of Dynamic Negatives | Forthoffer's Cynical Summary of Barzun's Laws | Forthoffer's Cynical Summary of Barzun's Laws | First Law of Bicycling | First Law of Bridge | First Maxim of Computers | First Law of Debate | First Law of Expert Advice | Faber's Laws | Faber's Laws | Fairfax's Law | Falkland's Rule | Farber's First Law | Farber's Second Law ... see all 90 laws.
G : Gadarene Swine Law | Galbraith's Law of Political Wisdom | Galbraith's Law of Prominence | Gallois's Revelation | Gallois's Revelation Corollary | Gardner's Rule of Society | Gell-Mann's Dictum | Gell-Mann's Dictum Corollary | Gerrold's Fundamental Truth | Gerrold's Law | Gerrold's Law Lyall's Addendum | Gerrold's Pronouncement | Gerrold's Laws of Infernal Dynamics | Gerrold's Laws of Infernal Dynamics | Gerrold's Laws of Infernal Dynamics ... see all 70 laws.
H : Hill's Commentaries on Murphy's Laws | Hill's Commentaries on Murphy's Laws | Hill's Commentaries on Murphy's Laws | Hill's Commentaries on Murphy's Laws | Heisenberg's Addendum to Brownian Bureaucracy | Hare's Additional Lie | Hacker's Law | Hacker's Law of Personnel | Hagerty's Law | Haldane's Law | Hale's Rule | Hall's Law | Halpern's Observation | Harden's Law | Hardin's Law ... see all 54 laws.
I : IBM Pollyanna Principle | Idea Formula | Iles's Law | Iles's Law Corollary | Iles's Law Corollary | Imhoff's Law | Index of Development | Iron Law of Distribution | Iron Law of Distribution | Issawi's Law of Aggression | Issawi's Laws of Committo-Dynamics | Issawi's Laws of Committo-Dynamics | Issawi's Law of the Conservation of Evil | Issawi's Law of Consumption Patterns | Issawi's Law of Cynics ... see all 25 laws.
J : Jenning's Corollary | (Jerry) Brown's Law | John Cameron's Law | Jacquin's Postulate on Democratic Governments | Jake's Law | Jaroslovsky's Law | Jay's Laws of Leadership | Jay's Laws of Leadership | Jenkinson's Law | Jinny's Law | John's Axiom | John's Collateral Corollary | Johnson's First Law | Johnson's Second Law | Johnson's Third Law ... see all 22 laws.
K : Kafka's Law | Kamin's First Law | Kamin's Second Law | Kamin's Third Law | Kamin's Fourth Law | Kamin's Fifth Law | Kamin's Sixth Law | Kamin's Seventh Law | Kaplan's Law of the Instrument | Katz's Law | Katz's Maxims | Katz's Maxims | Katz's Maxims | Katz's Maxims | Katz's Maxims ... see all 58 laws.
L : Law of the Perversity of Nature (Mrs. Murphy's Corollary) | Law of Annoyance | Laws of Applied Confusion | Laws of Applied Confusion Corollary | Laws of Applied Confusion | Laws of Applied Confusion | Laws of Applied Confusion | Laws of Applied Confusion Corollaries | Laws of Applied Confusion Corollaries | Laws of Applied Confusion Corollaries | Law of Character and Appearance | Law of Computability | Law of Computability Applied to Social Science | Laws of computer programming | Laws of computer programming ... see all 190 laws.
M : Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws Corollary | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Laws | Murphy's Corollaries ... see all 228 laws.
N : NBC's Addendum to Murphy's Law | Nonreciprocal Laws of Expectations | Nonreciprocal Laws of Expectations | Nader's Law | NASA Skylab Rule | NASA Truisms | NASA Truisms | NASA Truisms | Navy Law | Nessen's Law | Newman's Law | Newman's Observation | Newton's Little-known Seventh Law | Nick the Greek's Law | Nienberg's Law ... see all 25 laws.
O : O'Toole's Commentary | Old Engineer's Law | Oaks's Unruly Laws for Lawmakers | Oaks's Unruly Laws for Lawmakers | Oaks's Unruly Laws for Lawmakers | O'Brien's First Law of Politics | O'Brien's Principle (The $357.73 Theorem) | O'Brien's Rule | Occam's Electric Razor | Occam's Razor | Occam's Razor Reformulations | Occam's Razor Reformulations | Occam's Razor Reformulations | Oesner's Law (Oeser's Law) | Old and Kahn's Law ... see all 28 laws.
P : Principle of Displaced Hassle | Professor Gordon's Rule of Evolving Bryophytic Systems | Professor Gordon's Rule of Evolving Bryophytic Systems Corollary (Rutgers) | Pastore's Comment on Michehl's Theorem | Panic Instruction | Paperboy's rule of Weather | Paradox of Selective Equality | Pardo's Postulates | Pardo's Postulates | Pardo's Postulates | Pareto's Law (The 20/80 Law) | Parker's Rule of Parliamentary Procedure | Parker's Law of Political Statements | Parker's Third Rule of Tech Support | Parkin's Law of Irritation ... see all 111 laws.
Q : Quantization Revision of Murphy's Laws | Q's Law | Rule of Accuracy | Rule of Accuracy Corollary | Rule of Feline Frustration | Rule of the Great | Rev. Mahaffy's Observation | Rakove's Laws of Politics | Rakove's Laws of Politics | Ralph's Observation | Randolph's Cardinal Principle of Statecraft | Rangnekar's Modified Rules Concerning Decisions | Rangnekar's Modified Rules Concerning Decisions | Rangnekar's Modified Rules Concerning Decisions | Rangnekar's Modified Rules Concerning Decisions ... see all 2 laws.
R : Rule of Accuracy | Rule of Accuracy Corollary | Rule of Feline Frustration | Rule of the Great | Rev. Mahaffy's Observation | Rakove's Laws of Politics | Rakove's Laws of Politics | Ralph's Observation | Randolph's Cardinal Principle of Statecraft | Rangnekar's Modified Rules Concerning Decisions | Rangnekar's Modified Rules Concerning Decisions | Rangnekar's Modified Rules Concerning Decisions | Rangnekar's Modified Rules Concerning Decisions | Rapoport's Rule of the Roller-Skate Key | Raskin's Zero Law ... see all 39 laws.
S : (Sam) Brown's Law | Shevelson's Extension | Second Law of Revision | Sadat's Reminder | Sam's Axioms | Sam's Axioms | Sattinger's Law | Sattler's Law | Saunders's Discovery | Sayre's Third Law of Politics | Schenk's First Principle of Industrial Market Economics | Schickel's TV Theorems | Schickel's TV Theorems | Schmidt's Law | Schmidt's Law (probably a different Schmidt) ... see all 99 laws.
T : The Murphy Philosophy | The Aquinas Axiom | The Billings Phenomenon | (Tony) Brown's Law of Business Success | The First Discovery of Christmas Morning | The "Enough Already" Law | The Fifth Rule | Teslacle's Deviant to Fudd's Law | The Golden Rule of Arts and Sciences | The 19 Rules for good Riting | The 19 Rules for good Riting | The 19 Rules for good Riting | The 19 Rules for good Riting | The 19 Rules for good Riting | The 19 Rules for good Riting ... see all 126 laws.
U : Ubell's Law of Press Luncheons | Uhlmann's Razor | Uhlmann's Razor Corollary (Law of Historical Causation) | Umbrella Law | Universal Field Theory of Perversity (Mule's Law) | Unnamed Law | (Vic) Gold's Law | Vail's Axiom | Vance's Rule of 2 1/2 | Vique's Law | Von Braun's Law of Gravity | Vonnegut's Corollary | Woods's Refutation of the First Law of Socio-Genetics | Waddell's Law of Equipment Failure | Waffle's Law ... see all 6 laws.
V : (Vic) Gold's Law | Vail's Axiom | Vance's Rule of 2 1/2 | Vique's Law | Von Braun's Law of Gravity | Vonnegut's Corollary | Woods's Refutation of the First Law of Socio-Genetics | Waddell's Law of Equipment Failure | Waffle's Law | Wain's Conclusion | Waldo's Observation | Walinsky's Law | Walinsky's First Law of Political Campaigns | Walker's Law | Wallace's Observation ... see all 6 laws.
W : Woods's Refutation of the First Law of Socio-Genetics | Waddell's Law of Equipment Failure | Waffle's Law | Wain's Conclusion | Waldo's Observation | Walinsky's Law | Walinsky's First Law of Political Campaigns | Walker's Law | Wallace's Observation | Walters's Law of Management | Washington's Law | Watson's Law | Weaver's Law | Weaver's Law Corollary (O'Doyle) | Weaver's Law Corollary (Germond) ... see all 65 laws.
Y : Yapp's Basic Fact | Yolen's Guide for Self-Praise | Young's Handy Guide to the Modern Sciences | Young's Handy Guide to the Modern Sciences | Young's Handy Guide to the Modern Sciences | Young's Law | Young's Law Corollary | Zellar's Law | Zimmerman's Law | Zimmerman's Law of Complaints | Zusmann's Rule | Zymurgy's First Law of Evolving System Dynamics | Zymurgy's Seventh Exception to Murphy's Laws | Zymurgy's Law of Volunteer Labour | ... see all 7 laws.
Z : Zellar's Law | Zimmerman's Law | Zimmerman's Law of Complaints | Zusmann's Rule | Zymurgy's First Law of Evolving System Dynamics | Zymurgy's Seventh Exception to Murphy's Laws | Zymurgy's Law of Volunteer Labour | | | | | | | | ... see all 7 laws.