The Irreparable
Charles Baudelaire
AN we suppress the old Remorse Who bends our heart beneath his stroke, Who feeds, as worms feed on the corse, Or as the acorn on the oak? Can we suppress the old Remorse? Ah, in what philtre, wine, or spell, May we drown this our ancient foe, Destructive glutton, gorging well, Patient as the ants, and slow? What wine, what philtre, or what spell? Tell it, enchantress, if you can, Tell me, with anguish overcast, Wounded, as a dying man, Beneath the swift hoofs hurrying past. Tell it, enchantress, if you can, To him the wolf already tears Who sees the carrion pinions wave, This broken warrior who despairs To have a cross above his grave-- This wretch the wolf already tears. Can one illume a leaden sky, Or tear apart the shadowy veil Thicker than pitch, no star on high, Not one funereal glimmer pale Can one illume a leaden sky? Hope lit the windows of the Inn, But now that shining flame is dead; And how shall martyred pilgrims win Along the moonless road they tread? Satan has darkened all the Inn! Witch, do you love accursd hearts? Say, do you know, the reprobate? Know you Remorse, whose venomed darts Make souls the targets of their hate? Witch, do you know accursd hearts? The Might-have-been with tooth accursed Gnaws at the piteous souls of men, The deep foundations suffer first, And all the structure crumbles then Beneath the bitter tooth accursed. II. Often, when seated at the play, And sonorous music lights the stage, I see the frail hand of a Fay With magic dawn illume the rage Of the dark sky. Oft at the play A being made of gauze and fire Casts to the earth a Demon great. And my heart, whence all hopes expire, Is like a stage where I await, In vain, the Fay with wings of fire!
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Next 10 Poems
- Charles Baudelaire : The Living Flame
- Charles Baudelaire : The Owls
- Charles Baudelaire : The Remorse Of The Dead
- Charles Baudelaire : The Sadness Of The Moon
- Charles Baudelaire : The Seven Old Men
- Charles Baudelaire : The Sick Muse
- Charles Baudelaire : The Sky
- Charles Baudelaire : The Swan
- Charles Baudelaire : The Temptation
- Charles Baudelaire : The Venal Muse
Previous 10 Poems
- Charles Baudelaire : The Ghost
- Charles Baudelaire : The Flask
- Charles Baudelaire : The Eyes Of Beauty
- Charles Baudelaire : The Enemy
- Charles Baudelaire : The Dance Of Death
- Charles Baudelaire : The Bad Monk
- Charles Baudelaire : The Albatross
- Charles Baudelaire : Spleen Iv
- Charles Baudelaire : Spleen Iii
- Charles Baudelaire : Spleen Ii