Jorge Luis Borges
When sorrow lays us low for a second we are saved by humble windfalls of the mindfulness or memory: the taste of a fruit, the taste of water, that face given back to us by a dream, the first jasmine of November, the endless yearning of the compass, a book we thought was lost, the throb of a hexameter, the slight key that opens a house to us, the smell of a library, or of sandalwood, the former name of a street, the colors of a map, an unforeseen etymology, the smoothness of a filed fingernail, the date we were looking for, the twelve dark bell-strokes, tolling as we count, a sudden physical pain. Eight million Shinto deities travel secretly throughout the earth. Those modest gods touch us-- touch us and move on.
Next 10 Poems
- Jorge Luis Borges : Susana Soca
- Jorge Luis Borges : That One
- Jorge Luis Borges : The Art Of Poetry
- Jorge Luis Borges : The Other Tiger
- Jorge Luis Borges : To A Cat
- Jorge Luis Borges : We Are The Time. We Are The Famous
- William Lisle Bowles : At A Village In Scotland
- William Lisle Bowles : At Dover Cliffs, July 20th 1787
- William Lisle Bowles : Bereavement
- William Lisle Bowles : Evening
Previous 10 Poems
- Jorge Luis Borges : Remorse For Any Death
- Jorge Luis Borges : Other Tiger, The
- Jorge Luis Borges : Limits
- Jorge Luis Borges : Instants
- Jorge Luis Borges : History Of The Night
- Jorge Luis Borges : Elegy
- Jorge Luis Borges : Browning Decides To Be A Poet
- Jorge Luis Borges : Art Of Poetry, The
- Jorge Luis Borges : Adam Cast Forth
- William Blake : You Don't Believe