Bloom Upon The Mountain-stated
Emily Dickinson
667 Bloom upon the Mountain—stated— Blameless of a Name— Efflorescence of a Sunset— Reproduced—the same— Seed, had I, my Purple Sowing Should endow the Day— Not a Topic of a Twilight— Show itself away— Who for tilling—to the Mountain Come, and disappear— Whose be Her Renown, or fading, Witness, is not here— While I state—the Solemn Petals, Far as North—and East, Far as South and West—expanding— Culminate—in Rest— And the Mountain to the Evening Fit His Countenance— Indicating, by no Muscle— The Experience—
Next 10 Poems
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- Emily Dickinson : Bring Me The Sunset In A Cup
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- Emily Dickinson : By A Departing Light
- Emily Dickinson : By A Flower-by A Letter
- Emily Dickinson : By Chivalries As Tiny
- Emily Dickinson : By Homely Gift And Hindered Words
Previous 10 Poems
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- Emily Dickinson : Bless God, He Went As Soldiers
- Emily Dickinson : Blazing In Gold And Quenching In Purple
- Emily Dickinson : Birthday Of But A Single Pang
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