Crisis Is A Hair
Emily Dickinson
889 Crisis is a Hair Toward which the forces creep Past which forces retrograde If it come in sleep To suspend the Breath Is the most we can Ignorant is it Life or Death Nicely balancing. Let an instant push Or an Atom press Or a Circle hesitate In Circumference It—may jolt the Hand That adjusts the Hair That secures Eternity From presenting—Here—
Next 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : Crisis Is Sweet And Yet The Heart
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- Emily Dickinson : Death Is The Supple Suitor
- Emily Dickinson : Death Leaves Us Homesick, Who Behind
- Emily Dickinson : Death Sets A Thing Of Signigicant
Previous 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : Count Not That Far That Can Be Had
- Emily Dickinson : Could-i Do More-for Thee
- Emily Dickinson : Could That Sweet Darkness Where They Dwell
- Emily Dickinson : Could Mortal Lip Divine
- Emily Dickinson : Could Live-did Live
- Emily Dickinson : Could I-then-shut The Door
- Emily Dickinson : Could I But Ride Indefinite
- Emily Dickinson : Could Hope Inspect Her Basis
- Emily Dickinson : Cosmopolities Without A Plea
- Emily Dickinson : Contained In This Short Life