Grief Is A Mouse
Emily Dickinson
793 Grief is a Mouse— And chooses Wainscot in the Breast For His Shy House— And baffles quest— Grief is a Thief—quick startled— Pricks His Ear—report to hear Of that Vast Dark— That swept His Being—back— Grief is a Juggler—boldest at the Play— Lest if He flinch—the eye that way Pounce on His Bruises—One—say—or Three— Grief is a Gourmand—spare His luxury— Best Grief is Tongueless—before He’ll tell— Burn Him in the Public Square— His Ashes—will Possibly—if they refuse—How then know— Since a Rack couldn’t coax a syllable—now.
Next 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : Growth Of Man-like Growth Of Nature
- Emily Dickinson : Guest Am I To Have
- Emily Dickinson : Had I Known That The First Was The Last
- Emily Dickinson : Had I Not Seen The Sun
- Emily Dickinson : Had I Not This, Or This, I Said
- Emily Dickinson : Had I Presumed To Hope
- Emily Dickinson : Had This One Day Not Been
- Emily Dickinson : Had We Known The Ton She Bore
- Emily Dickinson : Had We Our Senses
- Emily Dickinson : Have Any Like Myself
Previous 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : Great Streets Of Silence Led Away
- Emily Dickinson : Great Caesar! Condescend
- Emily Dickinson : Gratitude-is Not The Mention
- Emily Dickinson : Good To Hide, And Hear 'em Hunt!
- Emily Dickinson : Good Night, Because We Must
- Emily Dickinson : Good Night! Which Put The Candle Out?
- Emily Dickinson : Good Morning-midnight
- Emily Dickinson : Going To Him! Happy Letter! Tell Him--
- Emily Dickinson : Going To Him! Happy Letter!
- Emily Dickinson : Going To Heaven!