If He Were Living-dare I Ask
Emily Dickinson
734 If He were living—dare I ask— And how if He be dead— And so around the Words I went— Of meeting them—afraid— I hinted Changes—Lapse of Time— The Surfaces of Years— I touched with Caution—lest they crack— And show me to my fears— Reverted to adjoining Lives— Adroitly turning out Wherever I suspected Graves— ’Twas prudenter—I thought— And He—I pushed—with sudden force— In face of the Suspense— “Was buried”—”Buried”! “He!” My Life just holds the Trench—
Next 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking,
- Emily Dickinson : If I Could Bribe Them By A Rose
- Emily Dickinson : If I May Have It, When It's Dead
- Emily Dickinson : If I Should Cease To Bring A Rose
- Emily Dickinson : If I Should Die
- Emily Dickinson : If I Shouldn't Be Alive
- Emily Dickinson : If I'm Lost-now
- Emily Dickinson : If It Had No Pencil
- Emily Dickinson : If My Bark Sink
- Emily Dickinson : If Nature Smiles-the Mother Must
Previous 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : If He Dissolve-then-there Is Nothing
- Emily Dickinson : If Ever The Lid Gets Off My Head
- Emily Dickinson : If Blame Be My Side-forfeit Me
- Emily Dickinson : If Anybody's Friend Be Dead
- Emily Dickinson : If Any Sink, Assure That This, Now Standing
- Emily Dickinson : If All The Griefs I Am To Have
- Emily Dickinson : Ideals Are The Fairly Oil
- Emily Dickinson : I'd Rather Recollect A Setting
- Emily Dickinson : I Years Had Been From Home,
- Emily Dickinson : I Would Not Paint-a Picture