Those Cattle Smaller Than A Bee
Emily Dickinson
1388 Those cattle smaller than a Bee That herd upon the eye— Whose tillage is the passing Crumb— Those Cattle are the Fly— Of Barns for Winter—blameless— Extemporaneous stalls They found to our objection— On eligible walls— Reserving the presumption To suddenly descend And gallop on the Furniture— Or odiouser offend— Of their peculiar calling Unqualified to judge To Nature we remand them To justify or scourge—
Next 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : Those Fair-fictitious People
- Emily Dickinson : Those Final Creatures,-who They Are-
- Emily Dickinson : Those Not Live Yet
- Emily Dickinson : Those Who Have Been In The Grave The Longest
- Emily Dickinson : Those-dying Then
- Emily Dickinson : Though The Great Waters Sleep
- Emily Dickinson : Three Times-we Parted-breath-and I
- Emily Dickinson : Three Weeks Passed Since I Had Seen Her-
- Emily Dickinson : Through Lane It Lay-through Bramble
- Emily Dickinson : Through The Dark Sod-as Education
Previous 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : Tho' My Destiny Be Fustian
- Emily Dickinson : Tho' I Get Home How Late-how Late
- Emily Dickinson : This World Is Not Conclusion
- Emily Dickinson : This Was In The White Of The Year
- Emily Dickinson : This Was A Poet-it Is That
- Emily Dickinson : This That Would Greet-an Hour Ago
- Emily Dickinson : This Slow Day Moved Along-
- Emily Dickinson : This Quiet Dust Was Gentleman And Ladies
- Emily Dickinson : This Me-that Walks And Works-must Die
- Emily Dickinson : This Merit Hath The Worst