Twas Just This Time, Last Year, I Died
Emily Dickinson
445 ’Twas just this time, last year, I died. I know I heard the Corn, When I was carried by the Farms— It had the Tassels on— I thought how yellow it would look— When Richard went to mill— And then, I wanted to get out, But something held my will. I thought just how Red—Apples wedged The Stubble’s joints between— And the Carts stooping round the fields To take the Pumpkins in— I wondered which would miss me, least, And when Thanksgiving, came, If Father’d multiply the plates— To make an even Sum— And would it blur the Christmas glee My Stocking hang too high For any Santa Claus to reach The Altitude of me— But this sort, grieved myself, And so, I thought the other way, How just this time, some perfect year— Themself, should come to me—
Next 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : Twas Later When The Summer Went
- Emily Dickinson : Twas Like A Maelstrom, With A Notch
- Emily Dickinson : Twas Love-not Me
- Emily Dickinson : Twas My One Glory-
- Emily Dickinson : Twas Such A Little-little Boat
- Emily Dickinson : Twas The Old-road-through Pain
- Emily Dickinson : Twas Warm-at First-like Us
- Emily Dickinson : Twice Had Summer Her Fair Verdure
- Emily Dickinson : Two Butterflies Went Out At Noon
- Emily Dickinson : Two Lengths Has Every Day-
Previous 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : Twas Here My Summer Paused
- Emily Dickinson : Twas Fighting For His Life He Was-
- Emily Dickinson : Twas Crisis-all The Length Had Passed
- Emily Dickinson : Twas Comfort In Her Dying Room
- Emily Dickinson : Twas Awkward, But It Fitted Me
- Emily Dickinson : Twas A Long Parting-but The Time
- Emily Dickinson : Truth-is As Old As God
- Emily Dickinson : Trusty As The Stars
- Emily Dickinson : Trust In The Unexpected
- Emily Dickinson : Trust Adjust Her 'peradventure'-