Unit, Like Death, For Whom?
Emily Dickinson
408 Unit, like Death, for Whom? True, like the Tomb, Who tells no secret Told to Him— The Grave is strict— Tickets admit Just two—the Bearer— And the Borne— And seat—just One— The Living—tell— The Dying—but a Syllable— The Coy Dead—None— No Chatter—here—no tea— So Babbler, and Bohea—stay there— But Gravity—and Expectation—and Fear— A tremor just, that All’s not sure.
Next 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : Until The Desert Knows
- Emily Dickinson : Unto A Broken Heart
- Emily Dickinson : Unto Like Story-trouble Has Enticed Me
- Emily Dickinson : Unto Me? I Do Not Know You
- Emily Dickinson : Unto My Books-so Good To Turn
- Emily Dickinson : Unto The Whole-how Add?
- Emily Dickinson : Unworthy Of Her Breast
- Emily Dickinson : Up Life's Hill With My My Little Bundle
- Emily Dickinson : Upon A Lilac Sea
- Emily Dickinson : Upon Concluded Lives
Previous 10 Poems
- Emily Dickinson : Unfulfilled To Observation
- Emily Dickinson : Undue Significance A Starving Man Attaches
- Emily Dickinson : Under The Light, Yet Under
- Emily Dickinson : Uncertain Lease-develops Lustre
- Emily Dickinson : Unable Are The Loved To Die
- Emily Dickinson : Two-were Immortal Twice
- Emily Dickinson : Twould Ease-a Butterfly
- Emily Dickinson : Two Travellers Perishing In Snow
- Emily Dickinson : Two Swimmers Wrestled On The Spar
- Emily Dickinson : Two Lengths Has Every Day-