Holy Sonnet Iii: O Might Those Sighs And Tears Return Again
John Donne
O might those sighs and tears return again Into my breast and eyes, which I have spent, That I might in this holy discontent Mourn with some fruit, as I have mourned in vain; In mine Idolatry what showers of rain Mine eyes did waste! what griefs my heart did rent! That sufferance was my sin; now I repent; ‘Cause I did suffer I must suffer pain. Th’ hydropic drunkard, and night-scouting thief, The itchy lecher, and self-tickling proud Have the remembrance of past joys for relief Of comming ills. To (poor) me is allowed No ease; for long, yet vehement grief hath been Th’ effect and cause, the punishment and sin.
Next 10 Poems
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Iv: Oh My Black Soul! Now Art Thou Summoned
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Ix: If Poisonous Minerals, And If That Tree
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet V: I Am A Little World Made Cunningly
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Vi: This Is My Play's Last Scene, Here Heavens Appoint
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Vii: At The Round Earth's Imagined Corners Blow
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Viii: If Faithful Souls Be Alike Glorified
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet X
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet X: Death Be Not Proud
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Xi: Spit In My Face You Jews, And Pierce My Side
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Xii: Why Are We By All Creatures Waited On?
Previous 10 Poems
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Ii: As Due By Many Titles I Resign
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet I: Tho Has Made Me
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet ?
- John Donne : Good-morrow, The
- John Donne : Go And Catach A Falling Star
- John Donne : Funeral, The
- John Donne : For Whom The Bell Tolls
- John Donne : Elegy Xviii: Love's Progress
- John Donne : Elegy Xvi: On His Mistress
- John Donne : Elegy X: The Dream