Holy Sonnet V: I Am A Little World Made Cunningly
John Donne
I am a little world made cunningly Of elements, and an angelic sprite; But black sin hath betrayed to endless night My worlds both parts, and (oh!) both parts must die. You which beyond that heaven which was most high Have found new spheres, and of new lands can write, Pour new seas in mine eyes, that so I might Drown my world with my weeping earnestly, Or wash it if it must be drowned no more: But oh it must be burnt! alas the fire Of lust and envy have burnt it heretofore, And made it fouler: Let their flames retire, And burn me, O Lord, with a fiery zeal Of Thee and Thy house, which doth in eating heal.
Next 10 Poems
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Vi: This Is My Play's Last Scene, Here Heavens Appoint
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Vii: At The Round Earth's Imagined Corners Blow
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Viii: If Faithful Souls Be Alike Glorified
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet X
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet X: Death Be Not Proud
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Xi: Spit In My Face You Jews, And Pierce My Side
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Xii: Why Are We By All Creatures Waited On?
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Xiii: What If This Present Were The World's Last Night?
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Xiv
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Xiv: Batter My Heart, Three-personed God
Previous 10 Poems
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Ix: If Poisonous Minerals, And If That Tree
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Iv: Oh My Black Soul! Now Art Thou Summoned
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Iii: O Might Those Sighs And Tears Return Again
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet Ii: As Due By Many Titles I Resign
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet I: Tho Has Made Me
- John Donne : Holy Sonnet ?
- John Donne : Good-morrow, The
- John Donne : Go And Catach A Falling Star
- John Donne : Funeral, The
- John Donne : For Whom The Bell Tolls