Sonnet Xlii: Some Men There Be
Michael Drayton
Some men there be which like my method well And much commend the strangeness of my vein; Some say I have a passing pleasing strain; Some say that im my humor I excel; Some, who not kindly relish my conceit, They say, as poets do, I use to feign, And in bare words paint out my passion's pain. Thus sundry men their sundry words repeat; I pass not, I, how men affected be, Nor who commends or discommends my verse; It pleaseth me, if I my woes rehearse, And in my lines if she my love may see. Only my comfort still consists in this, Writing her praise I cannot write amiss.
Next 10 Poems
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xliii: Why Should Your Fair Eyes
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xliv: Whilst Thus My Pen
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xlix: Thou Leaden Brain
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xlv: Muses, Which Sadly Sit
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xlvi: Plain-path'd Experience
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xlvii: In Pride Of Wit
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xlviii: Cupid, I Hate Thee
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xv: Since To Obtain Thee
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xvi: Mongst All The Creatures
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xvii: Stay, Speedy Time
Previous 10 Poems
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xli: Why Do I Speak Of Joy
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xl: My Heart The Anvil
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xix: You Cannot Love
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xiv: If He From Heav'n
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xiii: Letters And Lines
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xii: That Learned Father
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xi: You Not Alone
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet X: To Nothing Fitter
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Viii: There's Nothing Grieves Me
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Vii: Love In A Humour