Sonnet Xlix: Thou Leaden Brain
Michael Drayton
Thou leaden brain, which censur'st what I write, And say'st my lines be dull and do not move, I marvel not thou feel'st not my delight, Which never felt'st my fiery touch of love. But thou, whose pen hath like a pack-horse serv'd, Whose stomach unto gall hath turn'd thy food, Whose senses, like poor prisoners, hunger-starv'd, Whose grief hath parch'd thy body, dried thy blood, Thou which hast scorned life and hated death, And in a moment mad, sober, glad, and sorry, Thou which hast bann'd thy thoughts and curs'd thy breath With thousand plagues, more than in Purgatory, Thou thus whose spirit Love in his fire refines, Come thou, and read, admire, applaud my lines.
Next 10 Poems
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xlv: Muses, Which Sadly Sit
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xlvi: Plain-path'd Experience
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xlvii: In Pride Of Wit
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xlviii: Cupid, I Hate Thee
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xv: Since To Obtain Thee
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xvi: Mongst All The Creatures
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xvii: Stay, Speedy Time
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xviii: To This Our World
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xx: An Evil Spirit
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xxi: A Witless Galant
Previous 10 Poems
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xliv: Whilst Thus My Pen
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xliii: Why Should Your Fair Eyes
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xlii: Some Men There Be
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xli: Why Do I Speak Of Joy
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xl: My Heart The Anvil
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xix: You Cannot Love
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xiv: If He From Heav'n
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xiii: Letters And Lines
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xii: That Learned Father
- Michael Drayton : Sonnet Xi: You Not Alone