Be Still, My Soul, Be Still; The Arms You Bear Are Brittle
Alfred Edward Housman
Be still, my soul, be still; the arms you bear are brittle, Earth and high heaven are fixt of old and founded strong. Think rather,—call to thought, if now you grieve a little, The days when we had rest, O soul, for they were long. Men loved unkindness then, but lightless in the quarry I slept and saw not; tears fell down, I did not mourn; Sweat ran and blood sprang out and I was never sorry: Then it was well with me, in days ere I was born. Now, and I muse for why and never find the reason, I pace the earth, and drink the air, and feel the sun. Be still, be still, my soul; it is but for a season: Let us endure an hour and see injustice done. Ay, look: high heaven and earth ail from the prime foundation; All thoughts to rive the heart are here, and all are vain: Horror and scorn and hate and fear and indignation— Oh why did I awake? when shall I sleep again?
Next 10 Poems
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- Alfred Edward Housman : Bring, In This Timeless Grave To Throw
- Alfred Edward Housman : Clunton And Clunbury
- Alfred Edward Housman : Could Man Be Drunk Forever
- Alfred Edward Housman : Diffugere Nives ( Horace, Odes 4.7 )
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- Alfred Edward Housman : Epitaph On An Army Of Mercenaries
- Alfred Edward Housman : Far In A Western Brookland
- Alfred Edward Housman : Farewell To Barn And Stack And Tree
- Alfred Edward Housman : Fragment Of A Greek Tragedy
Previous 10 Poems
- Alfred Edward Housman : Be Still, My Soul, Be Still
- Alfred Edward Housman : As Through The Wild Green Hills Of Wyre
- Alfred Edward Housman : Along The Field As We Came By
- Alfred Edward Housman : 1887
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