Mart. Epi. Xliii. Lib. I.

Richard Lovelace

           MART. EPI. XLIII. LIB. I.

Conjugis audisset fatum cum Portia Bruti,
  Et substracta sibi quaereret arma dolor,
Nondum scitis, ait, mortem non posse negari,
  Credideram satis hoc vos docuisse patrem.
Dixit, et ardentes avido bibit ore favillas.
  I nunc, et ferrum turba molesta nega.

                 IN ENGLISH.

When Portia her dear lord's sad fate did hear,
And noble grief sought arms were hid from her:
Know you not yet no hinderance of death is,
Cato, I thought, enough had taught you this,
So said, her thirsty lips drink flaming coales:
Go now, deny me steel, officious fools!

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