Gracious Moonlight
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Even as the moon grows queenlier in mid-space When the sky darkens, and her cloud-rapt car Thrills with intenser radiance from afar,— So lambent, lady, beams thy sovereign grace When the drear soul desires thee. Of that face What shall be said,—which, like a governing star, Gathers and garners from all things that are Their silent penetrative loveliness? O’er water-daisies and wild waifs of Spring, There where the iris rears its gold-crowned sheaf With flowering rush and sceptred arrow-leaf, So have I marked Queen Dian, in bright ring Of cloud above and wave below, take wing And chase night’s gloom, as thou the spirit’s grief.
Next 10 Poems
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : He And I
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Heart Of The Night
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Heart's Compass
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Heart's Haven
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Heart's Hope
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Her Gifts
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Hero's Lamp
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Hoarded Joy
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Hope Overtaken
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Inclusiveness
Previous 10 Poems
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Genius In Beauty
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : From The House Of Life The Sonnet
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : From Dawn To Noon
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Farewell To The Glen
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Equal Troth
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Death's Songsters
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Death-in-love
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Cloud And Wind
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Broken Music
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti : Bridal Birth