Miss Mischievous

Robert William Service

Miss Don’t-do-this and Don’t-do-that
     Has such a sunny smile
You cannot help but chuckle at
     Her cuteness and her guile.
Her locks are silken floss of gold,
     Her eyes are pansy blue:
Maybe of years to eighty old
          The best is two.

Miss Don’t-do-this and Don’t-do-that
     To roguishness is fain;
To guard that laughter-loving brat
     Is quite a strain;
But when she tires of prank and play
     And says good-night,
I’m longing for another day
          Of child delight.

Miss Don’t-do-this and Don’t-do-that
     Will grow up soon.
I hope she’ll never throw her hat
     Athwart the moon.
Yet I’ll be sorrowful indeed,
     Remembering a day
Before she learned to humbly heed
          The word OBEY.

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