Robert William Service
Oh, I was born a lyric babe
(That last word is a bore—
It’s only rhyme is astrolabe,”
Whose meaning I ignore.)
From cradlehood I lisped in numbers,
Made jingles even in my slumbers.
Said Ma: “He’ll be a bard, I know it.”
Said Pa: “let’s hoe he will outgrow it.”
Alas! I never did and so
A dreamer and a drone was I,
Who persevered in want and woe
His misery to versify.
Yea, I was doomed to be a failure
(Old Browning rhymes that last with “pale lure”):
And even starving in the gutter,
My macaronics I would utter.
Then in a poor, cheap book I crammed,
And to the public maw I tossed
My bitter Dirges of the Damned,
My Lyrics of the Lost.
“Let carping critic flay and flout
My Ditties of the Down and Out—
“There now,” said I, “I’ve done with verse,
My love, my weakness and my curse.”
Then lo! (As I would fain believe,
Before they crown, the fates would shame us)
I went to sleep one bitter eve,
And woke to find that I was famous. . . .
And so the sunny sequels were a
Gay villa on the Riviera,
A bank account, a limousine, a
Life patterned dolce e divina.
Oh, yes, my lyric flight is flighty;
My muse is much more mite than mighty:
But poetry has been my friend,
And rhyming’s saved me in the end.