Dirge Of The Three Queens
William Shakespeare
Urns and odours bring away! Vapours, sighs, darken the day! Our dole more deadly looks than dying; Balms and gums and heavy cheers, Sacred vials fill’d with tears, And clamours through the wild air flying! Come, all sad and solemn shows, That are quick-eyed Pleasure’s foes! We convènt naught else but woes.
Next 10 Poems
- William Shakespeare : Fairy Land I
- William Shakespeare : Fairy Land Ii
- William Shakespeare : Fairy Land Iii
- William Shakespeare : Fairy Land Iv
- William Shakespeare : Fairy Land V
- William Shakespeare : Fidele
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- William Shakespeare : Love
- William Shakespeare : Orpheus
- William Shakespeare : Silvia
Previous 10 Poems
- William Shakespeare : Dirge
- William Shakespeare : Bridal Song
- William Shakespeare : Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
- William Shakespeare : Aubade
- William Shakespeare : A Lover's Complaint
- Robert William Service : Your Poem
- Robert William Service : Young Mother
- Robert William Service : Young Fellow My Lad
- Robert William Service : You Can't Can Love
- Robert William Service : You And Me