Sonnet 059: If There Be Nothing New, But That Which Is
William Shakespeare
If there be nothing new, but that which is Hath been before, how are our brains beguiled, Which, labouring for invention bear amis The second burthen of a former child! O, that record could with a backward look, Even of five hundred courses of the sun, Show me your image in some antique book, Since mind at first in character was done. That I might see what the old world could say To this composèd wonder of your frame; Whether we are mended, or whe’er better they, Or whether revolution be the same. O, sure I am the wits of former days To subjects worse have given admiring praise.
Next 10 Poems
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 060: Like As The Waves Make Towards The Pebbled Shore
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 061: Is It Thy Will Thy Image Should Keep Open
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 062: Sin Of Self-love Possesseth All Mine Eye
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 063: Against My Love Shall Be, As I Am Now
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 064: When I Have Seen By Time's Fell Hand Defaced
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 065: Since Brass, Nor Stone, Nor Earth, Nor Boundless Sea
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 066: Tired With All These, For Restful Death I Cry
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 067: Ah, Wherefore With Infection Should He Live
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 068: Thus Is His Cheek The Map Of Days Outworn
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 069: Those Parts Of Thee That The World's Eye Doth View
Previous 10 Poems
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 058: That God Forbid, That Made Me First Your Slave
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 057: Being Your Slave, What Should I Do But Tend
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 056: Sweet Love, Renew Thy Force, Be It Not Said
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 055: Not Marble, Nor The Gilded Monuments
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 054: O, How Much More Doth Beauty Beauteous Seem
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 053: What Is Your Substance, Whereof Are You Made
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 052: So Am I As The Rich Whose Blessed Key
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 051: Thus Can My Love Excuse The Slow Offence
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 050: How Heavy Do I Journey On The Way
- William Shakespeare : Sonnet 049: Against That Time, If Ever That Time Come