Northern Pike
James Wright
All right. Try this, Then. Every body I know and care for, And every body Else is going To die in a loneliness I can't imagine and a pain I don't know. We had To go on living. We Untangled the net, we slit The body of this fish Open from the hinge of the tail To a place beneath the chin I wish I could sing of. I would just as soon we let The living go on living. An old poet whom we believe in Said the same thing, and so We paused among the dark cattails and prayed For the muskrats, For the ripples below their tails, For the little movements that we knew the crawdads were making under water, For the right-hand wrist of my cousin who is a policeman. We prayed for the game warden's blindness. We prayed for the road home. We ate the fish. There must be something very beautiful in my body, I am so happy.
Next 10 Poems
- James Wright : On The Skeleton Of A Hound
- James Wright : Outside Fargo, North Dakota
- James Wright : Rip
- James Wright : Saint Judas
- James Wright : Small Frogs Killed On The Highway
- James Wright : The Jewel
- James Wright : The Journey
- James Wright : To A Blossoming Pear Tree
- James Wright : To The Muse
- James Wright : Trying To Pray
Previous 10 Poems
- James Wright : May Morning
- James Wright : Lying In A Hammock At William Duffy's Farm In Pine Island, Minnesota
- James Wright : In Response To A Rumor That The Oldest Whorehouse In Wheeling, West Virginia, Has Been Condemned
- James Wright : Hook
- James Wright : Having Lost My Sons, I Confront The Wreckage Of The Moon: Christmas, 1960
- James Wright : Goodbye To The Poetry Of Calcium
- James Wright : Fear Is What Quickens Me
- James Wright : Depressed By A Book Of Bad Poetry, I Walk Toward An Unused Pasture And Invite The Insects To Join Me
- James Wright : Beginning
- James Wright : Autumn Begins In Martins Ferry, Ohio