Print Ads
Creative print ads from around the world.
0-9 : 1% For The Planet: Dolphins | 1% For The Planet: Sycamores | 1% For The Planet: The California Condor | Jack in the box | Planes | 13eme Rue (13th Street) Channel: Sheeps | 13th Street: Blood Bath ... see all 27 amazing ads.
A : A Bela Sintra: Adolf | A Bela Sintra: Beach | A Bela Sintra: Mushroom | A Bela Sintra: Peacock | A bela Sintra: Tooth | A Crude Awakening | A Premature Christmas Card ... see all 524 amazing ads.
B : Baby Boutique: Making | Bacardi Anejo: Upside Down Couple | Bacardi Anejo: Upside Down Friends | BACK Guard and Security Services: Bulldog | BACK Guard and Security Services: Bulldog at shrink | Bad Billboard Placement | Bad Billboard Placement ... see all 344 amazing ads.
C : Cadbury | Cadbury | Cadbury | Cadbury | Cadbury | Cadbury | Cadbury Thins: Lycra ... see all 390 amazing ads.
D : D.D.Drin Pest Control | D3 Expo: Metro windshield | Daimler Chrysler, Smart: Bush | Daimler Chrysler, Smart: Clinton | Daimler Chrysler, Smart: Saddam | Daisy Air Rifles: Keeping kids off your lawn since 1886 | DaKino Film Festival: Basic Instinct as directed by Almodovar ... see all 279 amazing ads.
E : EA Games, FIFA: Goal | Earth Day: Tissues | Earth Love Movement: Bomb | Earth Love Movement: Gun | Earth Love Movement: Sword | Earthquake Commission: Magazine Fault Line | Easter Island Head on airport luggage carousel ... see all 155 amazing ads.
F : FAADA: Baby Dress | Faber Castell: Classifieds | Faber Castell: Map | Faber Castell: Telephone directory | Fact and Fiction Bookshop: Fired | Fact and Fiction Bookshop: Pig | Fact and Fiction Bookshop: Writer ... see all 239 amazing ads.
G : G4S Security Solutions: Buckingham | G4S Security Solutions: Pentagon | Gabriela Duct Tape | Gabriela National Women's Organization: Clock | GAFA: Rapid Cooling | GAFA: Rapid Cooling | GAFA: Rapid Cooling ... see all 247 amazing ads.
H : Habitat for Humanity Australia: Face | Hagebau: Jehova's witnesses at your door - Chainsaw | Hagebau: Your wife's grandparents are coming for Sunday dinner - Snail trap | Hagebau: Your wife's rosebush - Machete | Haggar: Broken contract | Haggar: Kick your dog | Haggar: Man's dignity ... see all 243 amazing ads.
I : I am Lego | i.beat blaxx' a very unfortunate name for a product | i.t.ALIA, The Park: Godfather | Organ Donation | IAMS: Big Dogs | IAMS: Big Dogs | IAMS: Big Dogs ... see all 106 amazing ads.
J : J Paul Getty Museum: Aquatic Bull | J Paul Getty Museum: Decrepit Beggars | J Paul Getty Museum: Rampaging Pig | J Paul Getty Museum: Royal Family Rocked! | Jackson House: Guarantee | Jackson House: McWant | Jackson House: Mouth full ... see all 126 amazing ads.
K : Kabayanihan: How some men think of women | Anti-Piracy Campaign | Anti-Piracy Campaign | Anti-Piracy Campaign | Kalashnikov Vodka: Vodka bottle Kalashnikov | Kalashnikov Watches: Tank Watch | Kama Sutra Clothing ... see all 134 amazing ads.
L : L andP: Meat burp on your vego sister combo | L andP: Mum can't be arsed cooking combo | L andP: Splash out, it's dole day | L andP: The meat 'n' 2 veg combo | L andP: The treat the missus combo | L andP: Tuck shop coin scab | La Cambre Architecture: Lego ... see all 249 amazing ads.
M : M andM: The Redolution Is Now | M andM: Vote Crispy | M andM: Vote For Blue, Is A Vote For You | M andM: Vote Green | M andM: Vote Yellow | Mac vs PC: Viruses | MacBook Pro: Ultra thin ... see all 340 amazing ads.
N : N Insurance: Transformers - Sling | N Insurance: Transformers - Wheelchair | Naber Kaffee: Squirrel | Nagaraya Nuts: Car | Nagaraya Nuts: Chair | Nail Biter? | Nail Biter? ... see all 230 amazing ads.
O : O.B.: Very Very Absorbant | Oakbank Easter Racing Carnivale: Ant | Oakley: Performance With An Impact-Jon | Oakley: Performance With An Impact-Sammy | Oakley: Revolutionary Performance-Pepa | Oakley: Viva La Performance-Eero | Obay: Son ... see all 149 amazing ads.
P : Paddy Power: Never Miss A Chance To Get Lucky | Paddy Power: Never Miss A Chance To Get Lucky | Paddy Power: There's A Place For Fun And Games | Paddy Power: There's A Place For Fun And Games | Pain Without Borders: Africa | Pain Without Borders: Cambodia | Pain Without Borders: Indonesia ... see all 365 amazing ads.
Q : Qianliekang Medicine: Peeing burns? | Don't feel bad, Our servers won't go down on you either. | Quintuples Natural Drink: Served by nature | QUIT: X-Ray Lungs | R2D2 Advertising Agency: R2D2 detergent | Rachachuros Seasoning: Chicken | Rachachuros Seasoning: Duck ... see all 4 amazing ads.
R : R2D2 Advertising Agency: R2D2 detergent | Rachachuros Seasoning: Chicken | Rachachuros Seasoning: Duck | Rachachuros Seasoning: Pig | Radiator: Improve Your Flexibility | Radiator: Improve Your Flexibility | Radio Advertising Bureau: Hearing is Believing on Radio ... see all 196 amazing ads.
S : S and M Figure Vending Machine | SABC3: Footballers' wives | Safe driving: Flash Before Your Eyes | Safe Sex Campaign | Safe Sex Campaign | SAIT Polytechnic Continuing Education: Hammer | SAIT Polytechnic Continuing Education: Knife ... see all 636 amazing ads.
T : Taboo Vodka | Taiba Hospital: Bump | Take a condom AID billboard | TAM Airlines: King Kong | TAM Airlines: Titanic | Tampax: Red | Tampax: Sharks ... see all 376 amazing ads.
U : His and her | Ubuntu: How Ubuntu invented babes | Ubuntu: How Ubuntu invented conversation | Ubuntu: How Ubuntu invented cricket | Ubuntu: How Ubuntu invented football | Ubuntu: How Ubuntu invented friendship | Ugly Betty: Paper bag billboard ... see all 80 amazing ads.
V : V for Vendetta: In case of revolution, break glass | V Magazine: Foot Fetish | Vancouver Aquarium: Bath | Vancouver Aquarium: Couch | Vancouver Aquarium: Kitchen | Vandol Cream: Cupid | Vanish: Honour ... see all 180 amazing ads.
W : W.R. Case and Sons Cutlery Co.: Tree | Wags Boutique: 10 Wags and a whole lot of bitching | Wags Boutique: Chihuahua Urinals | Waiting Room Magazine: Ignorance | Waiting Room Magazine: Material | Waiting Room Magazine: Trashyotomy | Walking on a minefield - Ketchup ... see all 218 amazing ads.
X : X-BOX: X-People | Xenical!: Reduce fat from your meals - Cow | Xenical!: Reduce fat from your meals - Pig | Xeroprint: BMW / Volkswagen | Xeroprint: FedEx / DHL | Xeroprint: Fiat / Volkswagen | Xeroprint: Fluogum / Trident ... see all 14 amazing ads.
Y : Yale Shmale | Yale Shmale | Yamaha R125: Be Somewhere Else - Bench | Yamaha R125: Be Somewhere Else - Classroom | Yamaha X-City: Donkey | Yamaha X-City: Elephant | Yamaha X-City: Wolf ... see all 25 amazing ads.
Z : Zandu Nityam Churna : Don't push | Zandu Nityam Churna laxative: Dispenser | Zap: Nature Thanks You | Aircraft | Music player | Zaptor: Rule your television - Caesar | Zaptor: Rule your television - Elisabeth ... see all 33 amazing ads.