U Print Ads (80 creative ads)
Index Page # 1 (Print Ads : 1 - 50 )
- u4ria.com.sg: His and her
- Ubuntu: How Ubuntu invented babes
- Ubuntu: How Ubuntu invented conversation
- Ubuntu: How Ubuntu invented cricket
- Ubuntu: How Ubuntu invented football
- Ubuntu: How Ubuntu invented friendship
- Ugly Betty: Paper bag billboard
- Ugly Mug Coffee: Alarm clock
- Ugly Mug Coffee: Every morning
- Ugly Mug Coffee: Morning people
- Ugly Mug Coffee: Office coffee
- Ugly Mug Coffee: Snooze button
- Ugly Mug Coffee: Sun
- Ugly Mug Coffee: This coffee
- Ultimate Gun to defeat Asian enemies
- UMAX Pen Drive
- Umbro
- Umbro
- Umbro
- Umbro: Hand dryer
- Umbro: Urinal
- UN Refugee Agency: Eviction Notice
- Undress Me Mug
- Unfortunate Logos
- Unfortunately named product: Lickable
- Unfortunately Placement of billboard adverts
- Unfortunately Placement of Nestle advert
- Ung Foretagsamhet: Age booster
- Ung Foretagsamhet: Petman
- Ung Foretagsamhet: Taste buddy
- UNHCR: 100 Note
- UNHCR: 50 Note
- UNHCR: 500 Note
- UNHCR: The Joy of Coking for 19 million People
- Unicef Deutschland: Captain Steeler
- Unicef Deutschland: Marbleman
- Unicef Deutschland: ThunderWhite
- Unicef: Dirty bomb
- Unicef: Landmine Stickers
- Unicef: Money Well
- Unicef: Water kills
- Unifem: Girl
- Unifem: Girl
- Unifem: Girl
- Unifieo: It's Cool Living Abroad. When Your Job Is Cool.
- Unifieo: It's Cool Living Abroad. When Your Job Is Cool.
- Unimil Condoms: 1001 nights
- Unimil Condoms: Romeo and Juliet
- Unimil Condoms: Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs sex
- UniRitter University: Charles Darwin

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