Fascinating Facts Collection
Fascinating facts, factoids, miscellany, trivia ...
Amelia Earhart designed the first lightweight luggage for air travel.
Next 5 Fascinating Facts
- Each year in America there are about ...
- The banjo is America's only true native musical ...
- The BEAVER, is America's largest rodent and can remain underwater for ...
- One in fourteen women in America is a ...
- In North America, the breed of dog called the Doberman Pinscher is spelled with one n. But in Europe where it ...
Previous 5 Fascinating Facts
- No woman may have sex with a man while riding in an ambulance within the boundaries of Tremonton, Utah. If caught, the woman can be ...
- Amazon ants (red ants found in the western U.S.) steal the larvae of other ants to keep as slaves. The slave ants build ...
- The Chinese were using aluminum to make things as early as ...
- The Oblivion ride at Alton Towers has a G-force of 5. ...
- Fog and a cloud are the same thing, only at different altitudes. Fog is ...