Vocabulary : Abnormal to Abode
Abnormal : Not conformed to rule or system; deviating from the type; anomalous; irregular.
Abnormalities : of Abnormality
Abnormality : The state or quality of being abnormal; variation; irregularity. ;; Something abnormal.
Abnormally : In an abnormal manner; irregularly.
Abnormities : of Abnormity
Abnormity : Departure from the ordinary type; irregularity; monstrosity.
Abnormous : Abnormal; irregular.
Aboard : On board; into or within a ship or boat; hence, into or within a railway car. ;; Alongside; as, close aboard. ;; On board of; as, to go aboard a ship. ;; Across; athwart.
Abodance : An omen; a portending.
Abode : of Abide ;; pret. of Abide. ;; Act of waiting; delay. ;; Stay or continuance in a place; sojourn. ;; Place of continuance, or where one dwells; abiding place; residence; a dwelling; a habitation. ;; An omen. ;; To bode; to foreshow. ;; To be ominous.
: Abodement, Aboding, Abolish, Abolishable, Abolished, Abolisher, Abolishing, Abolishment, Abolition, Abolitionism
: Ably, Abnegate, Abnegated, Abnegating, Abnegation, Abnegative, Abnegator, Abnet, Abnodate, Abnodation
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary