Vocabulary : Abrase to Abregge

Abrase : Rubbed smooth.
Abrasion : The act of abrading, wearing, or rubbing off; the wearing away by friction; as, the abrasion of coins. ;; The substance rubbed off. ;; A superficial excoriation, with loss of substance under the form of small shreds.
Abrasive : Producing abrasion.
Abraum : Alt. of Abraum salts
Abraum salts : A red ocher used to darken mahogany and for making chloride of potassium.
Abraxas : A mystical word used as a charm and engraved on gems among the ancients; also, a gem stone thus engraved.
Abray : See Abraid.
Abreaction : See Catharsis, below.
Abreast : Side by side, with breasts in a line; as, "Two men could hardly walk abreast." ;; Side by side; also, opposite; over against; on a line with the vessel's beam; -- with of. ;; Up to a certain level or line; equally advanced; as, to keep abreast of [or with] the present state of science. ;; At the same time; simultaneously.
Abregge : See Abridge.
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