Vocabulary : Absently to Absinthian

Absently : In an absent or abstracted manner.
Absentment : The state of being absent; withdrawal.
Absent-minded : Absent in mind; abstracted; preoccupied.
Absentness : The quality of being absent-minded.
Absey-book : An A-B-C book; a primer.
Absinth : Alt. of Absinthe
Absinthate : A combination of absinthic acid with a base or positive radical.
Absinthe : The plant absinthium or common wormwood. ;; A strong spirituous liqueur made from wormwood and brandy or alcohol.
Absinthial : Of or pertaining to wormwood; absinthian.
Absinthian : Of the nature of wormwood.
Next : Absinthiate, Absinthiated, Absinthic, Absinthin, Absinthism, Absinthium, Absis, Absist, Absistence, Absolute
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