Vocabulary : Acatalepsy to Accadian
Acatalepsy : Incomprehensibility of things; the doctrine held by the ancient Skeptic philosophers, that human knowledge never amounts to certainty, but only to probability.
Acataleptic : Incapable of being comprehended; incomprehensible.
Acater : See Caterer.
Acates : See Cates.
Acaudate : Tailless.
Acaulescent : Having no stem or caulis, or only a very short one concealed in the ground.
Acauline : Same as Acaulescent.
Acaulose : Alt. of Acaulous
Acaulous : Same as Acaulescent.
Accadian : Pertaining to a race supposed to have lived in Babylonia before the Assyrian conquest.
: Accede, Acceded, Accedence, Acceder, Acceding, Accelerando, Accelerate, Accelerated, Accelerating, Acceleration
: Acardiac, Acari, Acaridan, Acarina, Acarine, Acaroid, Acarpellous, Acarpous, Acarus, Acatalectic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary